Copyright 2013. Skylark Wellness and Healing. All Rights Reserved.

Skylark Wellness and Healing - Reiki in Rochester, NY

 Imagine the possibilities


Skylark Reiki Treatments, Training and Wellness Programs! 


For information and registration please complete the form on our contact page!

The skylark is a unique bird because she has the ability to fly vertically into the sky,

 chanting beautiful diverse songs.  

She truly represents freedom, harmony, and mastery as she blissfully takes flight upward.

Each of us is as unique as the skylark, with special talents and qualities that deserve to
be fully expressed. As we learn to connect with our authentic self, we may be lead to discover
our life’s purpose, understand its deeper meaning, and achieve higher levels of

self-awareness, and happiness. When we practice a more balanced, and peaceful way of being, 

we are better equipped to share our unique abilities with others. 

Skylark Wellness and Healing can show you how to be free to enjoy your present
moments, to sense a connection to your inner resources, and to experience harmony in
your body’s subtle energy systems.

Skylark Wellness and Healing offers a variety of Reiki treatment and training options,

and creative wellness programs to assist your safe flight into uncharted horizons.

Whether you are new to holistic wellness, an accomplished energy worker, or a health professional, we offer programs that are
​suitable to meet your needs.

Begin your journey of wellbeing and enrichment today. Contact or complete our contact form.